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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bring it!

"He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it" Philippians 1:6

Well- It's back- my Cushing's disease that is!

I first noticed weird things going on with my body about a couple months ago- but of course I ignored it- it was Thanksgiving and Christmastime and I had presents to wrap and food to make! The first uh-oh moment came when I broke out in bad acne, then my clothes started to not fit me right! I was starting to gain weight even though I was working out like 3 days a week and eating healthy! All my fat was moving up to my belly and upper parts of my body- I know it sounds gross- but I can deal with it! Anyway, I started putting 2 and 2 together, and I realized that I was experiencing the symptoms of the dreaded cushing's disease! The last straw was went I saw pictures of me taken at Thanksgiving and Christmas- my face was starting to look cushie!- ahhhhhhhh

Time to go to the doctor!

Sure enough my urine cortisol was soooo high!

Time to be referred - once agin- to the Cleveland Clinic!

My appointment is next Wednesday, February 17th- so right now it's just a waiting game!

Why do I use the word fascinating to describe my life with this disease?

Reason 1: Because God has been teaching me so much this past year (starting in 2009) before I started having symptoms about His process in my life as a child of His! He continues to challenge me with this new crisis. I'm excited to see what He will do next!

Reason 2: Because the word fascinating definitely describes my body and the changes it is going though the longer it is exposed to the over production of cortisol- I feel like a giant medical experiment- fascinating!

Reason 3: This is a fun reason- Ella- my 6 year old daughter- Her favorite word to describe things recently is Fascinating- its so funny to hear her say that word- she must be reading way too much Fancy Nancy!

Anyway- done talking about myself

Yesterday was a great day of firsts in the Beckley Family:

1: Ella lost her first tooth- its about time- that thing has been hanging on by a thread for months! My little baby is growing up!

2: I blogged for the first time- even though I really didn't want to do it! But if God brings it to you in a dream 2 nights in a row- you'd better do it!


  1. Deborah--what an inspiration you are, using this difficult experience to grow closer to the Lord and be a blessing to others! Our prayers are with you for a miraculous recovery. We know the Lord is able; we have seen His power many times, especially in David's healing. I pray that God will continue to give you a heart of praise, as He works all things together for good.

  2. Thanks Ann for the wonderful words of encouragement!
